Why is the room heated?
The room is heated to warm the muscles (which helps prevent injuries) and to allow a deeper workout. Sweating is a side benefit because it cleanses the body by flushing toxins through the skin. The heat and the humidity are closely monitored.

I am not very flexible. Should I do hot yoga?
Absolutely! The most common misconception that prevents people from coming to yoga classes is that you need to be flexible. Yoga is not about how flexible you are today; it’s about increasing your flexibility to protect your mobility for the future. If you believe you are inflexible, Hot Yoga is a great starting point because the heat of the room helps loosen and lengthen tissues and muscles, and enhances synovial fluid flow between joints.

I’ve never done yoga; can I come to any class?
Yes! All of our classes are suitable for beginners, yet challenging enough for advanced practitioners. Anyone of any size, shape, condition or background can do hot yoga. Students of all fitness levels, and ages are welcome in our classes. In a yoga studio, there is absolutely no judgment. In fact, just sit or lie down on your mat and acclimatize your body to the yoga environment — even that might challenge you.

What should I expect for my first class?
Many students find their first couple of classes to be the most challenging. This might be because it is new and unfamiliar, but you will learn the postures quickly. Most students feel amazingly detoxified and relaxed after their first class.

What time should I arrive at the studio?
The studio opens 30 minutes before each class. First time students must arrive at least 15 minutes in advance in order to fill out paper work and have a quick orientation. No late students are admitted for the respect of others are their practice.

What should I bring and wear?
Wear lightweight clothing, bring a yoga mat, a large towel and water. If you do not have one or more of these items you can purchase them at the studio. The studio has 2 bathrooms where you can change.

What should I eat and drink?
Drink plenty of water before and after you take class. We recommend that you don’t eat a large meal within 2-3 hours prior to class.

Where can I place my belongings?
We have numerous storage cubbies where you can keep your things during class. Our front door is locked and all items are kept safe throughout class.

How soon can I see the benefits and lose weight?
Like any other exercise, the key to improved health and fitness from yoga lies in consistent, regular practice. Usually, students taking three to four classes a week will start feeling a physical and mental change within two months.

I am pregnant. Can I take Hot Yoga classes?
With any specific medical concerns such as pregnancy, please consult your physician to find out if Hot Yoga is right for you. For to-be-mothers, instructors can suggest modified postures that avoid any undue stress to the belly and spine.