Hot yoga is:

  • A series of postures designed to work every muscle, organ, gland, cell and tissue in the body.

  • The elongation and extension of muscles using heat therapy.

  • The elimination of waste and toxins through increased heat and humidity.

The benefits of hot yoga include: muscle toning, increased sense of balance, weight loss, stress reduction, increased flexibility and strength. Classes are generally 60-65 minutes (unless otherwise noted in the schedule).



Ashtanga Inspired

Ashtanga is a traditional practice where there is a set sequence and once a student is proficient in a posture then the teacher allows for next posture. In this class we fuse the traditional practice and allow for adjustments & modifications. Enjoy a variety of balance, grounding, standing and seated yoga. Enjoy this in person class. Temperature is 103 degrees.

Hatha is a 60-minute class that is based on traditional 26 postures and two breathing exercises, and practiced in a heated studio. It tones your muscles and internal organs, cleansing you from the inside out. Hatha works every muscle, ligament, tendon, organ, gland, cell and joint in the body. It builds strength, flexibility and balance, and increases your cardiovascular and circulatory systems, while burning up to 1000 calories per class. Heated at 103 degrees.

Fun and fresh! You will learn the alignment and form of basic postures using breath with each movement. This practice is also done in the heated studio. It is an amazing, fun and challenging workout. Power yoga combines classic lunges with deep stretching and balance which will quickly strengthen your muscles, tighten your core and burn body fat. It is designed to soothe the nervous system, balance hormones, build cardiovascular strength, and improve the digestive system. Heated at 103 degrees.

This style is a sequential movement of asanas which interlink to form a continuous flow. One will learn the linking of body movement with breath using static asanas into a dynamic flow. The length of one inhale or one exhale dictates the length of time spent transitioning between postures. Asanas are then held for a predefined number of breaths. Attention will be placed on the breath and the journey between the asanas rather than solely on achieving perfect body alignment in an asana, as is emphasized in Hatha. Heated at 103 degrees.

A combination of Power and Hatha. Heated at 103 degrees.

Hot Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that combines deep diaphragmatic breathing and gentle movement to boost strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Targeting the “powerhouse”, or the core, we’ll flow through precise postures on the mat that will lengthen and strengthen muscles from head to toe. By focusing on small stabilizer muscles in the abdominals, glutes, and hips, you’ll notice improved posture and firm muscles throughout your body. Performed in a heated room, expect to sweat and get your heart rate up before we cool down. You’ll feel energized, aligned, and ready to tackle the day! Heated at 103 degrees.

Use of bolsters, blocks, blankets for comfort as we relax the body comfortably with the use of props. Relax, rejuvenate and enjoy. Warm at 80 degrees.

Slow, deep stretching of connective tissue, uses gravity, rather than effort to open and stretch muscles. Gentle class in a warm room at 80 degrees.